
Balochistan Public Private Partnership Authority (BPPPA) was established in September 2022, through the enactment of the Balochistan PPP Act, 2021. The objective of the establishment of the Balochistan PPP Authority is to develop a centralized hub and strategic arm of the government of Balochistan for promoting public-private partnerships. The Authority will be involved in formulating the strategy to develop and optimize a portfolio of PPP projects as an autonomous body. Balochistan PPP Authority is one window solution to identify, develop, execute and implement PPP projects across various sectors in Balochistan as an alternate tool for development financing and achieving the objective of higher economic growth in the province.

Our Vision

Creating a conducive environment that may support investment towards generating successful public-private partnerships in diverse development areas for the ultimate growth of the economy

Mission Statement

Developing a Sustainable Institutional and Regulatory Ecosystem in Balochistan that may ensure transparent, seamless, and efficient execution of public-private partnership based projects in the infrastructure, social, technology, and other development sectors through the creation of a win-win situation across the board

Pipeline Projects
Executed Projects
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